About Us

Food is what people and animals eat to live. Food usually comes from animals and plants. It is eaten by living things to provide energy and nutrition.[1] Food contains the nutrition that people and animals need to be healthy.

Food is what people and animals eat to live. Food usually comes from animals and plants. It is eaten by living things to provide energy and nutrition.[1] Food contains the nutrition that people and animals need to be healthy.

our KitchenExpert

Mr Ramki is a great chef.

Someone Famous

Someone Famous

Someone Famous

OurReviewBy Them

Here are some reviews by famous chef's.

Visited as a guest in the Echo restaurant for lunch just today. We were entertaining friends from California, and enjoyed our ocean side table. We chose to stay indoors - to enjoy the air conditioning.


Visited as a guest in the Echo restaurant for lunch just today. We were entertaining friends from California, and enjoyed our ocean side table. We chose to stay indoors - to enjoy the air conditioning.


Visited as a guest in the Echo restaurant for lunch just today. We were entertaining friends from California, and enjoyed our ocean side table. We chose to stay indoors - to enjoy the air conditioning.



Here are some reviews by famous chef's.

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